You need help finding your dream house or flat? We'll do it for you. Tell us what you are looking for and we'll find it for you. If you want to sell or rent we can give you a key.

Necessites ajuda per trobar la casa o el pis dels teus somnis? Nosaltres ho farem per tu. Explica'ns què estàs buscant i t'ho trobarem. Si vols vendre o llogar et podem donar un cop de mà.


is a Barcelona-based Architecture and Property Service oriented to clients looking to rent, buy or take care of properties in the Catalan Area, dealing with all the phases of the project: from the property finding to the actual building or refurbishing.

If you are looking to rent or buy or have a property to sell or rebrighten and need an experienced hand to help you achieve the right home in the right place without the stress of sorting properties that do not meet your brief, we can help.

és un Servei d'Arquitectura i Immobles amb seu a Barcelona orientat a clients que volen llogar, comprar o tenir cura d'immobles a Catalunya, que s'ocupa de totes les fases del projecte: des de la recerca de l'immoble fins a la construcció o la rehabilitació.

Si busqueu llogar, comprar o tenir una propietat per vendre o renovar i necessiteu una mà experimentada que us ajudi a aconseguir la casa adequada al lloc correcte, sense l'estrès de classificar propietats que no s'ajusten al vostre objectiu, podem ajudar-vos.

Why use a property search service.

HOUSEMATTERS  will engage in a client-oriented relationship and will help you define and narrow the search to get a full picture of the market and what can be considered fair value or good opportunities. For us, your brief is the priority.

People who use property search services realize that having someone dedicated to filtering out properties that meet the brief results, makes the stress of buying reduced and the process becomes a better satisfying experience.

How can HOUSEMATTERS help you

We search. We shortlist. We can negotiate. We can help you complete.


Registration fee:

We have a registration fee of 650€ (plus VAT) for a 6 months contractual period.

The registration fee will be deducted from the final fee if the purchase/rental process is completed.


Purchase fee:

The purchase fee is a 1,5% of the final buying price.  (1% for purchases above 800.000€)


Rental fee:

TheOne month’s rent (plus VAT)


Project fees:

From 10% (plus VAT) of the construction estimated cost (8% for costs above 500.000€), under an Architects Association type Contract.

If the property has been found by us, 20% discount is applied to the project fee.

Visit Us

Via Augusta 106
Barcelona, 08006


+34 931 994 715

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want us to help you decorate and choose the products that suit your space and personality. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference.